
How to manscape downstairs

2 min read

Blue Line

We don’t need to tell you that manscaping your downstairs requires a little extra care on your part. That’s instinctive. But that added effort brings certain rewards – the least of which is highlighting your natural gifts. Here’s the best way to manscape, from basic prep to maintenance.

7 essential manscaping tips

Manscaping the groin calls for some caution, but it’s simple enough. Start with the key steps below:

Step 1: Begin with some basic shaving prep.

Manscaping the groin calls for some caution, but it’s simple enough. Start with the key steps below:

Step 2: Make the work easy for your trimmer (and yourself).

Pull skin taut, and trim first with the direction of hair growth, then against. A well-placed mirror will help.

Step 3: Take care.

Manscaping the groin is a serious business. Take your time. Use short, light strokes, and avoid very sensitive areas. Don’t go over the same place too often.

Step 4: Use a trimmer designed for manscaping.

It’ll make life easier. If you’re on the look out for a suitable tool for manscaping, get a body groomer with a pivoting head if possible: this will help with hard-to-reach areas. Adjustable length settings make it infinitely easier to achieve a fade down from your treasure trail, essential if you’re aiming for a natural look.

Step 5: Start on a longer length setting.

Then bring the length down as needed, with shorter settings on the border between hair and closely-shaven skin. Stop and check your progress as you go.

Step 6: Cool off.

Aftercare can be the difference between successful manscaping and … unsuccessful manscaping. Rinse off with cool water, pat dry with a soft towel and finally apply a light, unscented lotion.

Step 7: Keep it up.

Once you know how to manscape, don’t neglect it. Repeat your groin grooming routine every 7-12 days, or as often as needed, to keep everything tidy.

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