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    Philips Support

    Is Philips Lumea suitable for all skin tones and body hair colours?

    Published on 18 October 2024

    Philips Lumea is not suitable for everyone. Check the skin tone and hair colour tables in your user manual (which is also available online) and read the important safety instructions carefully to find out if Lumea is suitable for you. 

    Note: All Lumea models have a skin tone sensor that prevents you from treating areas of your skin that are too dark for safe use. 

    Read on for more information. 

    Skin tone and body hair colour suitability for Philips Lumea

    Unsuitable body hair colours: treatment with Lumea is not effective if you have light blond, grey, red or white hairs as hairs with these colours do not absorb enough light.  

    Unsuitable skin tones: you cannot use Lumea if you have dark brown to dark skin tones as these skin tones absorb light more easily which could result in pain, skin redness or burns. 

    Note: hair colour and skin tone can vary across your body. While one body area might be unsuitable to treat with Lumea, another area might be suitable due to another skin tone or body hair colour. 

    The information on this page applies to the following models: BRI947/00 , SC1997/00 , SC1999/00 , BRI953/00R1 , BRI954/00R1 , BRP958/00 , BRI955/00R1 , BRI940/00 , BRI945/00R1 , BRI944/00R1 , BRI958/00R1 , BRI955/00 , BRI958/00 , BRI947/00 , BRI955/00 , BRP958/00R1 , BRI957/00R1 , BRI957/00 , BRI955/01 , BRI944/00 , BRI948/00R1 , BRI948/00 , BRI947/00R1 , BRI945/00 , BRI920/00 , BRI923/00 , BRI921/00 , BRI922/00 , BRI949/00 , BRI920/00R1 , BRI949/00R1 , BRI921/00R1 , BRI923/00R1 , BRI924/00 , BRI950/00 , BRI951/01 , BRI953/00 , BRI954/00 , BRI956/00 , BRI956/00R1 , SC1993/30 , SC1999/80 , SC1999/70 , SC1997/70 , SC1997/60 , SC1997/30 , SC1995/00 , SC1993/80 , SC1993/70 , SC1993/00 , SC1996/00 , SC1991/00 . Click here to show more product numbers Click here to show less product numbers

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