Scalable and flexible enterprise imaging solution

Philips Image Management solution allows enterprise-wide reading, distribution and archiving, seamlessly accessed from any enterprise workstation. It can adapt to your workflow and scale to meet your needs, allowing you to evolve.

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More than just a PACS

Demonstrated results*


of productivity improved1

Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital increased reading productivity by 50% with the allocation of the right exam to the right professional.


in customer complaints1

Campus Bio-Medico identified a significant reduction from 37% to 3% of customer complaints on receiving the reporting in time.


of average reporting time1

Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital estimates that, after the implementation of the solution there was reduction in the standard deviation among radiologists from 3,5 days to 2,1 days, reducing the TAT of 40%.

Philips Image Management solutions

Discover how Philips comprehensive radiology solution streamlines the complete radiology workflow. From order management through report distribution, including exam orchestration, advanced automated analysis and AI-enabled diagnostic support2, Philips helps you connect and raise your standard of care.


*Results from case studies are not predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary.
1. Results at Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital using integrated informatics solutions. Download case study: biomedico-customer-story.pdf (
2. AI-enabled solutions through Philips Advanced Visualization Workspace and third-party applications

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