Instantly collaborate anytime, anywhere
Speak to colleagues quickly and keep your focus on the patient with no complicated interface.
Share what matters most
Lumify with Reacts focuses remote collaboration on the important details.
Invite experts into the room from anywhere
Consult with experts using your front-facing camera or use your rear-facing camera to show them what you see.
Interact with virtual pointers
Activate your pointer and highlight in real time what you and your remote collaborators want to focus on.
Privacy & security compliant
Secure streams
DTLS-SRTP secured streams
Secure hosting
Servers hosted by a secure data center in Canada
Hosting redundancy
Hosting redundancy in second secure center
Security logs
Security logs are available to monitor activity
Philips Lumify and Reacts create an industry-leading collaboration
See how Philips partnered with the founder and creator of Reacts, Dr. Yanick Beaulieu, to bring the world’s first integrated tele-ultrasound capability to life to help improve collaboration and outcomes.
How-to video
Creating a Reacts account
How-to video
Conducting a Reacts session
How-to video
Connecting to a Lumify user from Reacts on PC
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