Feeding for baby
Storing and thawing milk
When babies latch on, they create baseline suction. This is when conventional free-flow bottles start to flow. With our new Natural Response technology, milk only flows when baby actively drinks. When baby pauses (and breathes), milk extraction stops.
Feels and works like a breast
Allows for baby's own suck-swallow-breathe rhythm like at the breast, enabling an easier switch between breast and bottle.
The wide teat base allows for proper lip and tongue placement, to ensure seal, reduce air intake and increase milk extraction.
The new Natural Response teat is made of patterned silicone to mimic skin's texture and softness.
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Access the latest research
The fundamental biomechanical requirements needed for an effective feed in infants
Championing breast milk: partner support during breastfeeding
The new Natural Response teat: a quick look at the science and technology