xclean mast

See what you need to see
 on small or large patients

×Clean lets you focus on what’s important, achieving consistent image quality across diverse patient habitus.

Correcting scatter for a clean view

Scatter correction is essential to achieving high image quality. Yet conventional tail-fitting used to scale the single scatter simulation (SSS) result can show photopenic artifacts, particularly with larger patients or in the event of patient motion.

×Clean is a hybrid scatter correction method for reconstructing PET images. With its help, the Ingenuity TF PET/CT delivers improved image quality by reducing artifacts. ×Clean is a more robust method of scatter correction than using SSS with tail-fitting. It takes the result of SSS modeling and scales it by a factor derived from Monte Carlo simulation, a more computationally extensive form of modeling.

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For exceptional images

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Image courtesy of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, USA

TOF reconstruction using SSS with tail-fitting (left image in each pair) and ×Clean (right image in each pair). The scatter correction artifacts seen with SSS plus tail-fitting are not present in the ×Clean reconstructions.

Meeting changing requirements

Instead of relying on patient boundary information, ×Clean uses SSS to approximate the shape of scatter contribution, and scales the SSS result by a factor determined by a low-count Monte Carlo simulation. This robust scaling method goes beyond tail-fitting and helps nuclear medicine professionals increase their diagnostic confidence regardless of patient habitus. With growing numbers of obese patients and an increase in longitudinal studies, achieving exceptional image quality and consistency are key aims today.

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Want to learn more about how research and clinical routines can benefit from xClean and the entire xPand5 technology suite?

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