
Elevating cancer care.
Integrated oncology solutions. 

Cancer incidence and related healthcare costs continue to grow while the complexity in cancer care is increasing.

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Continuously expanding therapy options

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Growing complexity in tumor characterization

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Increasing diversity of medical specialties involved

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New case expected to rise by about 70% over two decades2

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Annual economic cost of cancer is estimated to be ~1 trillion $/€1

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Growing amounts of disparate data across many different systems

As you work to deliver the best cancer care for your patients, wasted efforts wrangling complex systems and cumbersome workflows challenge clinical teams, unnecessarily. You need meaningful, data-driven insights in the pivotal moments when patient and the clinical specialist come together to empower critical decisions.

precision diagnosis treatment

Enabling a pathway to precision diagnosis

The COVID-19 crisis has become a catalyst for change – a defining moment for us to reimagine healthcare in the way it should be.

Elevating cancer care

Together, we focus on the people at the center of cancer care, allowing you to deliver what your patients need when time is of the essence: seamlessly connecting data, technology, operations and clinical workflows into pivotal decisions. Combining smart diagnostic and imaging technologies with connected workflows that integrate patient data from disparate systems to put expert information at the clinician’s fingertips, we provide end-to-end solutions to help you expand the reach of personalized high-quality cancer care.

better health outcomes

Better health outcomes

improved patient

Improved patient experience

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Improved staff experience

lower cost of care

Lower cost of care

Characterizing tumor and cancer subtype

The challenge

Cancer care is moving towards optimal, personalized treatment choices that are tailored to individual patients. All of the information from disciplines in cancer diagnostics and genomics come together to inform the decisions made by cancer specialists during the diagnostic phase. Digitization of healthcare enables all diagnostic data (from radiology, pathology and in-vitro diagnostic tests) becoming available in a digital form.

At Philips, we enable characterization and staging a patient’s disease confidently by reducing under- and over-staging.

How we can help

Digital pathology workflows that support productivity and collaboration​

pathology image medical specialties

Selecting the optimal therapy

The challenge

The number of treatment options is continuously increasing. New targeted drugs are available and new minimally invasive approaches to focused therapies are required. Diagnostics and treatment need to become more integrated.

We at Philips enable patient-specific care pathway selection, including available clinical trials, based on integrated patient diagnostic information with the goal to enhance patient care.

How we can help

Encompass the expertise of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute through Oncology Pathways for high-quality, evidence-based treatment pathways

intellispace precision medicine

Streamline Tumor Board preparation, enhance review and analysis and enable virtual collaboration

intellispace precision medicine

Keep pace with the rapid developments in genomics and turn molecular data into clinical insights​

medi genomics

Delivering therapy 

The challenge

With the increasing number of cancer patients, expanding therapy options and more medical specialties involved in complex patient cases, delivering therapy needs to be precise.

We at Philips provide tools to deliver therapy efficiently and effectively, reducing tumor recurrence while minimizing side effects to improve the staff and patient experience.

How we can help

Integrated radiotherapy solutions to  help improve patient care and accelerate time to treatment​

confident path to treatment

High precision diagnosis and minimally invasive therapy in one room​

lung suite

Realize the benefits of MRI in the radiotherapy workflow​

ingenia ambition elition mr-rt

Assessing therapy response 

The challenge

To ensure the best possible outcome it is important to assess how the cancer is responding to the selected therapy. If not responding as expected then a plan adaption may be considered as part of a personalized therapy regimen to ensure optimal outcomes. 


We at Philips provide systems and tools that support enable a workflow that increases access to cancer care and drives down cost while also improving patient experience. We do this to reduce unnecessary patient burden and cost of ineffective therapies.

How we can help

Advanced visualization oncology tools that evaluate the stage and treatment response​

clinical area oncology

Low dose molecular and hybrid imaging solutions with clinical applications for monitoring therapy

advanced molecular imaging

Comprehensive ultrasound solutions for breast, liver and prostate assessment and monitoring​

general imaging ultrasound

1. World Economic Forum and the Harvard School of Public Health. The Global Economic Burden of Non-communicable Diseases. September 2011.


2. GloboCan/ International Agency for Research on Cancer. PR No 224. 3 February 2014.



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