xsharp workstation

See true activity distribution

×Sharp lets you see the true activity distribution – especially with small objects.

Enhancing lesion detectability

With ×Sharp, you can acquire images on Ingenuity TF PET/CT that show lesions and organ boundaries with high contrast thanks to resolution recovery. 

×Sharp models and corrects for the effects of the scanner’s point spread function (PSF) resulting in resolution compensation in reconstructed Ingenuity PET/CT images and less blurring. The process is based on the computationally efficient iterative Richardson-Lucy maximum-likelihood algorithm which corrects partial volume effects in PET images. 

Images reconstructed with ×Fine for this lung cancer patient demonstrate enhanced lesion detectability.

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Boost confidence in image quality

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Images courtesy of University Hospital Salzburg, Austria

×Fine and ×Sharp further contribute to image quality, seen here in enhanced resolution. ×Fine reconstruction (center) and ×Fine with ×Sharp reconstruction (far right).

Really see what you scan

Applying resolution recovery to take into account the system’s inherent variability in resolution across a 3D space allows you to produce images that more closely reflect the actual objects scanned.

In a whole-body patient test study conducted by researchers at the University Hospital Salzburg, Austria, ×Sharp helped enhance the visualization of small lesions. Applying ×Sharp led to an increase in the lesion SUVmax compared with scans performed without ×Sharp. The lesions in the patients were in the 12-20 mm range.

small lesion

Image courtesy of University Hospital Salzburg, Austria


Want to learn more about how research and clinical routines can benefit from xSharp and the entire xPand5 technology suite?

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