
EuroEcho Imaging 2024 

11-13 December, 2024,
Berlin-Messe Hub 27

Join us at EuroEcho where we unite to protect the heart. Explore our extraordinary solutions including our new AI-enabled Transcend release in Echocardiography and our Informatics solutions including the improved Ultrasound Workspace, powered by AI.

Satellite symposium

Unique best practices of current Philips AI echo toolbox, applied to Valvular Heart Disease

Panel discussion illustrated by clinical cases. Key opinion leaders will explore the impact of applying the newest AI tools to echo in TV interventions, best practice 3D ICE &TEE imaging as well as the current state-of-affairs of AI in VHD.


Prof. Rebecca T. Hahn

Nina Ajmone Marsan, MD

Leiden University Medical Center,
Leiden, the Netherlands

Prof. Denisa Muraru, MD

Prof. Denisa Muraru, MD

University of Milano – Bicocca and Auxologico,

IRCCS, Milan Italy


Dr. Julien Dreyfus

Julien Dreyfus, MD

Centre Cardiologique du Nord,

Paris Saint-Denis, France

Dr. Ludwig Weckbach

Ludwig Weckbach, MD

Ludwig Maximilian University, Clinic Grosshadern,

Munich, Germany

Prof. Harald Kuehl

Prof. Harald Kuehl, MD

Clinic Munich Harlaching,

Munich, Germany

Thursday, 12 December 2024


Room Brahms


Prof. Rebecca T. Hahn

Nina Ajmone Marsan, MD

Leiden University Medical Center,
Leiden, the Netherlands

Prof. Denisa Muraru, MD

Prof. Denisa Muraru, MD

University of Milano – Bicocca and Auxologico,
IRCCS, Milan Italy


Dr. Julien Dreyfus

Julien Dreyfus, MD

Centre Cardiologique du Nord,

Paris Saint-Denis, France

Dr. Ludwig Weckbach

Ludwig Weckbach, MD

Ludwig Maximilian University, Clinic Grosshadern,

Munich, Germany

Prof. Harald Kuehl

Prof. Harald Kuehl, MD

Clinic Munich Harlaching,

Munich, Germany

Ultrasound Practical Tutorials 

Valvular Heart Disease through a woman’s clinical lens:  Innovations in echo

Women clinicians in cardiology play a vital role in enhancing the field through diversity, advocacy, research, and mentorship:  leading to better patient care and improved health outcomes for all.  Join our practical tutorials with these outstanding women leaders and take part in the ongoing evolution and advancement of cardiovascular medicine.

All sessions will start with a Tips & Tricks live scanning acquisition and quantification on the ultrasound platform related to the specific tutorial topic.


Dr. Laura Anna Leo

Laura Anna Leo, MD

Instituto Cardiocentro Ticino Lugano, Switzerland

Prof. Denisa Muraru

Prof. Denisa Muraru, MD

University of Milano – Bicocca and Auxologico, IRCCS, Milan Italy

Prof. Karima Addetia

Prof. Karima Addetia, MD

University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago USA

Dr. Madalina Garbi

Madalina Garbi, MD

Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation, Cambridge UK

In cooperation with JenaValve

Dr. Soha Hekal

Soha Hekal, MD

Aswan Heart Centre, Magdi Yacoub Heart Foundation, Egypt

Dr. Bushra Rana

Bushra Rana, MD

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, Hammersmith Hospital, UK

Dr. Gabriella de Pasquale Meyer

Gabriella de Pasquale Meyer, MD

Herzzentrum im Park AG, Zurich, Switzerland

Dr. Hani Mahmoud-Elsayed

Hani Mahmoud-Elsayed, MD

Aswan Heart Centre, Magdi Yacoub Foundation, Egypt

Dr. Francesco F. Faletra

Francesco F. Faletra, MD

ISMETT UPMC Palermo, Italy

Wet-Lab Sessions

Within our Practical Tutorial Sessions, our program includes daily wet -lab sessions (3 in total). The Wet-Lab sessions will combine dynamic anatomy via wet-lab dissection and advanced 3D echocardiography. This combination bridges the gap between anatomy and modern imaging, offering a holistic view of the heart’s structure and function.

Each participant will have the opportunity for an individual hands-on, direct and detailed examination of heart structures, particularly valves and chambers.

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