This kit includes two cables, a shorter one that connects to the DC port of the MRx and a longer cable that connects to the DC power module. The circular ends of these cables are connected to allow the MRx batteries to be charged by the DC power module. The shorter cable is equipped with a cap to plug the end of the cable when not in use.
Use with Non-Philips Healthcare Equipment |
Product Category |
Use with Philips Healthcare Equipment |
Product Type |
Single-Patient Use OR Multi-Patient Use |
CE Certified |
Package Weight |
Not manufactured with natural rubber latex |
Packaging Unit |
Sterile OR Non-Sterile |
Minimum Shelf Life |
Use with Non-Philips Healthcare Equipment |
Product Category |
Use with Non-Philips Healthcare Equipment |
Product Category |
Use with Philips Healthcare Equipment |
Product Type |
Single-Patient Use OR Multi-Patient Use |
CE Certified |
Package Weight |
Not manufactured with natural rubber latex |
Packaging Unit |
Sterile OR Non-Sterile |
Minimum Shelf Life |
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