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Imagine being able to view vascular, soft tissue, bony, and abnormal structures at the same time. Now you can, using the AcQSim workstation. Use CT simulation during the planning process and visualize tumor movement within the patient.
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ContinuePinnacle integration for a streamlined oncology workflow
Pinnacle integration for a streamlined oncology workflow
Pinnacle integration for a streamlined oncology workflow
Superb images
Superb images
Superb images
Scanning without markers
Scanning without markers
Scanning without markers
Isolate tumors
Isolate tumors
Isolate tumors
Increased efficiency
Increased efficiency
Increased efficiency
Treatment simulation efficiency
Treatment simulation efficiency
Treatment simulation efficiency
Pinnacle integration for a streamlined oncology workflow
Pinnacle integration for a streamlined oncology workflow
Pinnacle integration for a streamlined oncology workflow
Superb images
Superb images
Superb images
Scanning without markers
Scanning without markers
Scanning without markers
Isolate tumors
Isolate tumors
Isolate tumors
Increased efficiency
Increased efficiency
Increased efficiency
Treatment simulation efficiency
Treatment simulation efficiency
Treatment simulation efficiency
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