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Customer Services Portal

Manage the performance and service needs of your Philips products across modalities, anywhere, anytime

Request access to the Philips Customer Services Portal

Please fill out the request form below and our support team will create your account.

* This field is mandatory

number one icon

Contact details

number two icon

Company details


[1] This information is required for identifying your facility in our systems and providing access to relevant Philips equipment in the portal. Installed Product number, Asset number, Site ID or Tech ID is the reference on the equipment. These reference numbers may appear on previously received Customer Service Reports, or on the documentation for the equipment. At least one number/ID per facility must be provided. You can also use 'Additional remarks' field to request access to multiple facilities, specific equipment categories etc.

Philips respects your privacy and will process your personal data in accordance with the Portal Privacy Notice.
Please read the Portal Privacy Notice for more information.

Once you submit your request, you will receive a confirmation message.

Driving Service, at Your Fingertips

When it comes to improving patient and staff experience, and managing equipment to peak efficiency, Philips has great news. We’ve added new, useful features to our Customer Service Portal! Easy access to documentation for patient care-critical equipment, enhanced reporting capabilities, and information that spans modalities at various levels – case, contract, warranty, and more.

Elevating your customer service experience

Other New Features 

Generate End of Life statements

Calendar views per location, account, and installed product

Submit requests for supplementary services (e.g. training)

Export of maintenance visit details to your own calendar

Add images and PDF files when creating / updating a case

Export of list views of installed products and cases

Login to the portal anywhere, anytime

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Create cases
Manage cases

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Manage Philips and
multi-vendor products

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Reporting and analytics

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View contracts by modality, location or individual equipment

Customer Services Portal

Driving service, at your fingertips

Why choose the Customer Services Portal?

Customer testimonial: Erik Dupont

Erik Dupont


Erik Dupont, Medical physicist at Zeeland University Hospital, uses Customer Services Portal to drive operational efficiency, predict lifetime of equipment and reduce downtime at the same time.


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The Portal is a tool that extends the communication with Philips. We see it as a tool to get rid of time wasting procedures. It improves the information flow and it helps getting data from service."

- Erik Dupont, Medical Physicist, Zeeland University Hospital, Denmark

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the Philips Customer Services Portal?

Proper management of service activities across your various imaging systems and software is critical, yet challenging.  Philips Customer Services Portal makes life easier by giving you one place from which to manage your assets.


Always there, always on

Available 24/7, regardless of where you are located, the Customer Services Portal helps you to see which of your organization’s assets are up and running – or to order service for those that are not.

The Customer Services Portal enables better decisions for your medical equipment and related services, and enhances your operational performance by streamlining workflow. It’s always there, always on.


Understanding your needs, designed for you

To truly understand your needs and provide the best response, we sought your advice. Based upon your feedback, each subsequent Customer Services Portal release will present new opportunities for even greater control over system uptime and productivity via online coordination.

What are user accounts?

There are two roles defined in Customer Services Portal:


• Customer Portal User (CPU): a user that has access to the Customer Services Portal. The CPU can see the accounts of the Customer Services Portal Parent account that are assigned to this account.

• Customer Portal Manager (CPM): this user has the same functionality as a CPU, in addition the CPM is also able to handle user management for this parent account: create new CPUs, change account assignment and disable accounts. 

Do the 1EMS CS Portal and the SMx CS Portal have different URLs?

No, both CS portals can be accessed using the same URLs.

How long are the Activation and Password Reset mails active?

The 'Login and create password'/'Login and renew your password’ buttons in the account activation/password reset mails are active for 24 hours upon receiving the mail. Once expired, a password reset request must be submitted (see respective mail for contact details).

What is the policy around passwords?

A password must be updated every 90 days (upon setting a password) adhering to the Philips IT Security Guidelines. A password must be at least 8 characters long and must contain at least one:

  • Number
  • Special character
  • Lower case character
  • Upper case character

As I did not login for some time I had to request a password reset. Now I still cannot access my account... what happened?

In order to reduce the risk of owning unused licenses, the portal automatically deactivates user accounts that have been inactive for more than 120 days. With this deactivation, the account assignment is also removed, which is why a user would experience the portal without any data. Please contact your local portal help desk to re-assign your account.

I see accounts in the account list that I don't recognize... what happened?

In the CS Portal, installed products are linked to accounts (the owner) with a location. In addition, contracts and warranties are also linked to the installed products. As it is possible that a contract and/or warranty is associated with an account other than the account of the installed product, these (other) accounts are shown as well. An example could be a CT scanner that is owned by account 'A' but the service contract is with account 'B'. In this case, the portal will show both accounts.

Can I log into the old and the new portal using the same user-id?

No you can't. Although it is possible to access both the old and the new CS portal, this can only be done using two different user-ids (you can, however, use the same URL for both portals). Keep in mind though that in the old CS portal you will not be able to create cases. Also, as soon as the new CS portal goes live in your country, neither installed product data (the assets), nor contracts nor cases will be updated in the old CS portal.

Which roles exists and what is the difference from an authorization perspective?

Like the old CS Portal, the new CS portal recognizes 3 roles, each with different capabilities as shown in overview below.


Create Cases

C​​reate/Manage User

Maintain IP Custom Details*













*The IP Custom Details contain the customer's description of a piece of equipment, reference number and location (Installed Product).

I am unable to open the CFDs from the CS Portal. What should I do?

It is likely that your browser has the 'Pop-Up-Blocker enabled. Please check your browser setting and make sure that Pop-Ups are allowed for

Where can I find case details from cases created/closed in the legacy system?

These historical cases are not available via the generic case lists. They can be accessed via the 'Historical Cases' button of the Installed Product details pages.

Let's talk

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We'd be happy to help you.

We are always interested in engaging with you.

Let us know how we can help.

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