Image guided therapy for improved procedural performance

Improve procedural performance with image guided therapy

Improve procedural performance with image guided therapy

Around 10 or 15 years ago treating a patient with an aortic aneurism would have required five days in the ICU, seven days in hospital and 30 days of recovery1. Physicians expect the technology they use to evolve to match the procedure they are performing. Today, the emergence of hybrid interventional suites has brought significant benefits to cardiovascular patients and practitioners, allowing multidisciplinary care teams to execute numerous clinical solutions in one convenient and practical setting.


Through image guided therapies, which enable minimally invasive procedures, there is the possibility to have an aortic valve replaced, have an aneurism repair done, then go home in two or three days2. This has helped address a number of headaches for heads of departments, whose teams have limited time and resources to make care decisions and still deal with all the patients who need care. The more efficiently they can utilise care teams, the more time they can spend treating the patients.


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Cardiovascular care delivery no longer hinges on individual department performance but on building bridges and bridging gaps that exist among providers, between sites, and across time. Read how we are partnering with hospitals to design and build new business and care models, to innovate care and manage risk.

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“Our goal is not to replace the clinician but make him/her more efficient and effective—to augment the clinician with actionable information. We will increasingly use these approaches [to data] in image evaluation of all types—from MRI scanners and the cardiac catheterisation lab, to handheld ultrasound devices, as well as the evaluation of images in pathology.”


Roy Smythe, Chief Medical Officer, Global Innovation and Strategy at Philips

Solutions in image guided therapy

Improve patient and staff experience


Increase the comfort and safety of both patient and staff during procedures, while enhancing staff user experience.


believe that displaying checklists and protocols will help minimise preperation errors7

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In PCI, a dynamic coronary roadmap provides a real-time, automatic, motion-compensated coronary imaging for easier image guidance, often without additional puffs of contrast. Proprietary instant wave-Free Ratio (iFR) technology helps assess lesion significance in about five heartbeats without hyperemic agents, helping reduce patient discomfort when compared with functional flow reserve (FFR).

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The SyncVision precision guidance system streamlines lesion assessment, simplifies vessel sising, and enables precise therapy delivery in conjunction with the existing fluoroscopic image stream.

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Low dose technology in live image guidance provides high-quality imaging for a range of cardiovascular procedures, helping achieve enhanced visibility at low X-ray dose levels for patients of all sizes.

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An image guided therapy platform designed by clinical experts for clinical experts, to provide a better user experience that empowers you to move quickly and confidently through cases. It received a System Usability Scale3 score of 87, which means the usability of this system is better than 90% of the 500  systems on which the scale is based.

Increase efficiency, improve workflow and reduce costs


Shorten procedure times with workflows and technologies that are optimised for productivity before, during and after cath lab procedures.

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With instant wave-Free Ratio (iFR) technology lesion significance can be assessed in about five heartbeats without hyperemic agents. A USA study has shown compared to FFR, iFR reduced procedure  time by 10%,4 as well as cost by 10% per patient, resulting in an average savings of $896 through 1-year follow-up.5

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Streamline your clinical workflow for speed and consistency with an image guided therapy platform designed to enable clinicians to provide superb care to patients, while optimising lab performance. One hospital saw a 17% reduction in procedure time using the system.6

Improve care and increase clinical confidence


Greater visibility and standardised workflows help reduce variability so you can perform with confidence and consistency.

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Go beyond the angiogram in PCI with intravascular ultrasound to map the 3D vessel anatomy to the angiogram to understand precisely where the disease begins and ends. Leverage instant wave-Free Ratio (iFR) to identify locations of vessel blood pressure drops quickly to better understand diffuse, know where the regions causing ischemia are located, and understand the potential impact of a stent on the patient’s ischemia to estimate if a stent likely meets the procedural objectives.

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For growing structural heart procedures like mitral valve repair and left atrial appendage closure, Philips exclusive technology automatically fuses live 3D TEE and live X-ray in real time so you can intuitively guide your device driven by the 2D and 3D tissue information overlaid on the X-ray screen. With Anatomical Intelligence technology, during the procedure, you can automatically segment cardiac structures and have them overlaid as a reference, to simplify the understanding of complex anatomical context.  Utilise multi-modality imaging and workflow guidance to simplify planning, measurement, device selection and choice of optimal X-ray viewing angle. Get insight into calcification distribution in the ascending aorta, aortic valve and the left ventricle and additional live 3D imaging guidance during device placement.

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Reduce variability through image guided therapy digital procedure cards that contain pre-defined settings and customised screen layouts for both exam room and control room, X-ray imaging parameters, and patient orientation for specific interventional procedures and users. One-click set up can reduce patient preparation time and help minimise preparation errors.

Saving time with Philips Azurion

A recent study documented how Philips Azurion has helped St. Antoniuss hospital in Nieuwegein, the Netheralnds, be more efficient.

70 percent

Reduction of the average interventional procedure time

12 percent

Reduction of in-lab patient preperation time

28 percent

Reduction of post-procedure lab time8

Philips Azurion

The new-generation image guided therapy platform


Philips Azurion is the new-generation image guided therapy platform that allows you to easily and confidently perform procedures with a unique user experience, helping you optimise your lab performance and provide superior care. Azurion has been developed over a number of years in close collaboration with our clinical partners to ensure workflow solutions that meet the continuing demands of the interventional lab.

We support you in delivering outstanding patient care by uniting clinical excellence with workflow innovation.

Azurion is designed to help you perform procedures more consistently and efficiently. The highly intuitive usability of Azurion supports you in quickly and confidently performing a range of procedures. With this new future proof platform you can deliver outstanding care and grow your service line over time.


Cardiovascular care resources


Video: EchoNavigator case studies

Customer story: VUMC Hybrid OR

See all stories and case studies  

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1 Interview with Dr. Barry Katzen, Founder of Miami Cardiac & Vacular Institute

2 Interview with Dr. Barry Katzen, Founder of Miami Cardiac & Vacular Institute

3 Sauro J. A practical guide to the System Usability Scale (SUS): Background, benchmarks & best practices. Denver, CO: Measuring Usability LLC. 2011.

4 Davies JE, Sen S, Dehbi H-M, et al. Use of the instantaneous wave-free ratio or fractional flow reserve in PCI. N Engl J Med 2017;376:1824-34.

5 Patel M. "Cost-effectiveness of instantaneous wave-Free Ratio (iFR) compared with Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR) to guide coronary revascularization decision-making."

6 Philips Azurion at St. Antonius Hospital. Results are specific to the institution where they were obtained and may not reflect the results achievable at other institutions.

7 Results obtained during user tests performed in the period of November 2015--February 2016. The tests were designed and supervised by Use-Lab GmbH, an independent and objective usability testing engineering consultancy and user interface design company. The tests involved 31 US-based clinicians (16 physicians and 15 technicians) and 30 European-based clinicians (15 physicians and 15 technologies), who performed procedures using Azurion in a simulated interventional lab environment.

8 Results are specific to the institution where they were obtained and may not reflect the results achievable at other institutions.

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