Participating in a Philips product test is an easy and fun experience. On this page you will learn more about the process of our product tests. In addition, the most important questions regarding registration, process and rating will be answered for you.
1. Select product you want to test
At you will find products that you can test.
2. Apply You can apply for one or more product test(s). All you have to do is register as a tester and answer 3-6 questions for each selected product.
3. Selection of tester
If you fit the tester profile you can be selected as a tester, the product will then be delivered to the address that you have entered in your tester profile.
4. Test the product As soon as you have received the product, you can test it (usually*) for 14 days.
5. Your opinion is now required
Share your product experience by expressing your honest opinion on one or several platforms (defined by Philips). Feel free to share pictures and videos of the result or with the product in action.
6. Thank you for participating
As soon as the product has been verifiably rated, you may (usually *) keep the product as compensation for the time you have invested.
* The test procedure described here may differ for some products. Information on this will be communicated as part of the test.
Product reviews on the Internet are becoming more and more important and represent one of the most important decision criteria for a purchase for most customers. Product reviews also offer insight into the quality or functionality of the product from the customer's point of view and are therefore important for us as a manufacturer. Based on customer feedback, we can take measures to improve the product or possibly remove it from the range.
Sign up and activate your account via the confirmation e-mail. 'My Philips' members are already registered and can log-in immediately. Then select and apply for the test you’re interested in. Remember to keep your address information up to date.
In principle, anyone can apply for a product test. Suitable testers are selected in the application process (using a questionnaire). The selection is intended to ensure a reliable and qualitative test. Example IPL device Lumea (BRI950 / 00): The IPL device is an innovative hair removal system from Philips. The hair roots are processed with light pulses and thus put into a state of rest. This technology is not suitable for tattooed skin as there is a risk of burns. Because of this, people with many or big tattoos will not be considered for the test. If you have applied for a test and been rejected, we encourage you to apply again for future tests. We often have more applicants than we can accept product testers.
In the coming days you will receive an e-mail from us that will officially inform you about the start of the test phase. You can then start to test your product. IMPORTANT: As soon as the test phase has ended and the review phase begins, you will receive another e-mail from us. In this e-mail, you will find important information on writing the review, on which retailer pages you should leave a review and receive further information on the test procedure. Please do not start reviewing until you receive this e-mail.
Product reviews on the Internet are becoming more and more important and represent one of the most important decision criteria for a purchase for most customers. The essential factors of a review are above all credibility and honesty. Accordingly, these factors are important when reviewing our product tests. So please mention in your review that you got in collaboration with Philips the chance to test this product.
Objectivity and honesty are top priorities in our product tests. You should express your honest opinion about the test product in the review. A negative rating has no influence on whether you are allowed to keep the product or on the selection for future product tests.
Please try to carry out the initial installation with the help of the user manual to find a suitable solution. If you need further support, our customer service will be happy to help. Please visit our contact page at
After you have finished testing and have left your review for the product, you may keep it for free. In special cases, returning the test product (regardless of the written review) is part of the test procedure. However, you will always find out about this in the test description before you apply.
No. You can also reproduce your rating verbatim on the different platforms. Again, it is important that you express your objective and honest opinion and that you follow our guidelines for writing a review.
Before starting the test, we ask you to read the relevant conditions of participation and to find out about the conditions and processes on the product tester platform. If you still have questions, our Philips product tester team is available for you at any time using the contact form on the product tester platform.
We want to make sure that your review can be published, so please pay attention to the following: - In your review, please mention that you received the product as part of a product test and that Philips has no editorial influence on the rating.
- Please do not mention any competitors, retailers or the price you paid for the product.
- Your review should focus on the product and the result.
- Please avoid rating our customer service. (Please contact us directly if you need any assistance).
- Do not reveal any personal or identifiable information, such as your full name.
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