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    5 questions to see if Lumea works for you.

    Philips Lumea Series 9900 works effectively, easily and safely on a wide range of hair and skin types. 

    Depending on your hair skin characteristics and a number of other conditions, we can tell you whether IPL is the right option for you.

    Assess your suitability

    Step  image
    Image Hair

    Is your body hair to remove blondred or grey?

    Is your body hair to remove blondred or grey?

    IPL targets melanin of the hair root, so hair colors that contain very little melanin won’t absorb the energy of the light. 

    Assess your suitability

    Step  image
    dark brown

    Is Brownish Black or darker your general skin tone?

    Is Brownish Black or darker your general skin tone?

    As the energy will be absorbed by the melanin of the skin, darker skin tones are not suitable for IPL treatment.

    Assess your suitability

    Step  image
    Image Tattoo

    Do you have any skin conditions, large moles or tattoos, or utilize artificial tanning?

    Do you have any skin conditions, large moles or tattoos, or utilize artificial tanning?

    The light will be absorbed by the pigment of your skin, so you can’t use it on top large moles, tattoos or areas with tanning agents.

    Assess your suitability

    Step  image
    Image Breastfeeding

    Are you currently pregnant or breastfeeding?

    Are you currently pregnant or breastfeeding?

    As Lumea wasn't tested on pregnant or breastfeeding women, we advice you not to use it during this time.

    Assess your suitability

    Step  image
    Image Heartrate

    Do you have any medical conditions or are currently taking medication?

    Do you have any medical conditions or are currently taking medication?

    Never use the device if you take any of the below medications or have one of the conditions below. If any concern consult a medical professional before use.

    Assess your suitability

    Step  image
    dark brown

    Is Brownish Black or darker your general skin tone?

    Is Brownish Black or darker your general skin tone?

    Unfortunately, IPL seems unsuitable for you.

    For IPL to be effective, the energy of the light needs to be absorbed by the hair follicle. If your hair doesn't contain enough melanin or your skin tone is too dark, the energy will be absorbed by the skin instead.
    Unfortunately, in your case, IPL won't work.

    See our FAQ to learn more about this.

    Check our epilators and shavers

    Assess your suitability

    Step  image
    Image Hair

    Is your body hair to remove blondred or grey?

    Is your body hair to remove blondred or grey?

    Unfortunately, IPL seems unsuitable for you.

    For IPL to be effective, the energy of the light needs to be absorbed by the hair follicle. If your hair doesn't contain enough melanin or your skin tone is too dark, the energy will be absorbed by the skin instead.
    Unfortunately, in your case, IPL won't work.

    See our FAQ to learn more about this.

    Check our epilators and shavers

    Assess your suitability

    Step  image
    Image Breastfeeding

    Are you currently pregnant or breastfeeding?

    Are you currently pregnant or breastfeeding?

    Unfortunately, IPL seems unsuitable for you.

    We haven't tested Lumea on pregnant and breastfeeding woman, so we don't recommend you to use it during this time.

    See our FAQ to learn more about this. 

    Check our epilators and shavers

    Assess your suitability

    Step  image
    Image Heartrate

    Do you have epilepsy or a congestive heart disease?

    Do you have epilepsy or a congestive heart disease?

    Unfortunately, IPL seems unsuitable for you.

    There are some conditions in which you should not use the device. In case you have epilepsy, the bright flash light might trigger seizures. In case of a vascular disorder, applying IPL might result in bruising.

    Check our epilators and shavers

    Congratulations!, IPL seems to be suitable for you.

    IPL is the perfect way for silky smooth and long-lasting hair-free skin. Continue to make sure you know what to expect from the IPL treatment. 

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