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    Philips Support

    I forgot my PIN for Theft Deterrence Function. What can I do?

    Published on 2017-01-09

    Philips Service center has a right to ask for legitimate identification and authorization, in order to establish ownership of the monitor.

    Please note that the anti-theft deterrence function is provided as a convenient free option. Managing PIN
    numbers is the sole responsibility of the individual user or the organization who sets it.

    In case the PIN number is forgotten, Philips service center can re-set it for you at a nominal charge after
    verification of ownership. Please note that this activity is not covered by standard warranty terms.

    The information on this page applies to the following models: 221B3LPCS/02 , 220B4LPYCB/00 , 221B6QPYEB/00 , 272P4APJKHB/00 , 221P6QPYES/00 , 241S6QYMB/00 , 241B6QPYEB/00 , 243V5QHAB/00 , 240S4QMB/00 , 275C5QHAW/00 , 272G5DYEB/00 , 247E6QDSD/00 , 233V5LHSB2/00 , 233V5LSB2/00 , 288P6LJEB/00 , SB4B1927VB/00 , SB4B1927CB/00 , C272P4QPKEW/00 , 17S4LSB/00 , 271S4LPYEB/00 , S231C4AFD/00 , S221C3AFD/00 , 200S4LMB/00 , 241B4LPYCB/00 , 241P4QRYES/00 , 241B4LPYCS/00 , 240B4LPYCB/00 , 240B4LPYCS/00 , 241S4LCB/00 , 241S4LSS/00 , 241S4LSB/00 , 241S4LCS/00 , 233V5LHAB/00 , 19S4LSB5/00 , 231C5TJKFU/00 , 19S4LAB5/00 , 19B4LCB5/00 , 241P4QPYKEB/00 , 241P4QPYEB/00 , 19B4LCS5/00 , 273V5LHAB/00 , 223V5LSB/00 , 273V5QHAB/00 , 244E5QHAD/00 , 223V5LSB/62 , 17S4SB/00 , 243V5LSB/00 , 233V5LSB/00 , 243V5LHAB/00 , 273V5LHSB/00 , 223V5LHSB/00 , 223V5LSB2/10 , 203V5LSB26/10 , C271P4QPJEW/00 , 234E5QHAW/00 , C240P4QPYEW/00 , 240P4QPYEB/00 , 240P4QPYES/00 , 193V5LSB2/10 , C221S3UCW/00 , 234E5QSB/00 , 240S4LPMB/00 , 231P4UPES/00 , 240S4LPMS/00 , 246V5LAB/00 , 274E5QSB/00 , 246V5LSB/00 , 246V5LHAB/00 , 247E4QHAD/00 , 298P4QJEB/00 , 241TE5LB/00 , 221TE5LB/00 , 272P4QPJKEB/00 , 240B4LPYNB/00 , 240P4QPYNS/00 , 240B4LPYNS/00 , 201BL2CB/00 , 240P4QPYNB/00 , 247E4LHSB/00 , 240S4LPSB/00 , 238C4QHSN/00 , 238G4DHSD/00 , 200V4LSB/00 , 231S4LCB/00 , 206V4LAB/00 , 206V4LSB2/00 , 206V4LSB/00 , 19S4LMS/00 , 226V4LSB2/10 , 278G4DHSD/00 , 278G4DHSD/01 , 190BL1CS/00 , 271P4QPJKEB/00 , 236V4LAB/00 , 236V4LHAB/00 , 237E4QHAD/01 , 190BL1CB/00 , 236V4LSB/00 , 190SL1SB/00 , 196V4LSB2/10 , 196V4LSB2/00 , 271S4LPYSS/00 , 220V4LAB/00 , 220B4LPCB/00 , 237E4QSD/00 , 237E4LSB/00 , 231P4QRYEB/00 , 231P4QPYKEB/00 , 220V4LSB/00 , 220S4LSB/00 , 220P4LPYEB/00 , 220B4LPYCB/01 , 220B4LPCS/00 , 231P4QRYES/00 , 220S4LCB/00 , 220S4LAS/00 , 220S4LAB/00 , 220B4LPYCS/00 , 271S4LPYSB/00 , 220S4LSS/00 , 231TE4LB1/00 , 231P4QPYEB/00 , 227E4LHSB/01 , 227E4LHAB/01 , 226V4LAB/01 , 221TE4LB1/00 , 190V4LAB/00 , 227E4QHSD/01 , 227E4LSB/00 , 226V4LSB/01 , 226V4LAB/00 , 190V4LSB2/00 , 190V4LSB/00 , 247E3LHSU2/00 , 231B4LPYCB/00 , 227E4QSD/00 , 227E4QHAD/01 , 226V4LSB/00 , 220P4LPYES/00 , 231B4LPYCS/00 , 247E3LSU2/00 , 231S4LSB/00 , 231P4QPYES/00 , 231S4LSS/00 , 249C4QHSB/01 , 249C4QSB/00 , 221P3LPEB/00 , 236G3DHSB/00 , 196V3LSB25/10 , 229C4QSB/00 , 226V3LSB25/10 , 196V3LSB25/00 , 229C4QHSB/00 , 226V3LSB25/00 , 221B3LPCB/02 , 236V3LSB6/10 , 236V3LAB6/00 , 190V3LAB5/00 , 236V3LSB6/00 , 221S3UCS/00 , 221S3UCB/00 , 190V3LSB5/10 , 190V3LSB5/00 , 273E3QHSB/00 , 273E3QHSS/00 , 190V3AB5/00 , 196V3LAB5/00 , 17S1AB/00 , 241P4LRYEB/00 , 226V3LAB5/00 , 226V3LSB5/10 , 239C4QSB/00 , 241P4LRYES/00 . Click here to show more product numbers Click here to show less product numbers

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