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    Philips recipe for pizza with Parma, mozzarella and fresh figs

    Pizza with Parma, mozzarella and fresh figs

    Pizza with Parma, mozzarella and fresh figs

    Ingredients dough

    200g whole meal flour
    500 g flour
    375 ml lukewarm water
    4 tablespoons dried yeast
    2 tablespoons milk
    2 tablespoons olive oil
    1 tablespoon salt

    Ingredients tomato sauce

    3 dl tomato Passat
    1 tablespoon honey
    1 tablespoon vinegar balsamic
    cayenne pepper

    Ingredients filling

    5 slices of Parma ham into thin wisps
    2 fresh figs
    100g buffalo mozzarella
    50g parmesan cheese
    100 grams rocket
    20g roasted pine nuts 
    Fresh basilicum (small leaves)

    See this recipe as a base recipe; you can replace the ham with salmon or beef. You can also use other vegetables and make your own variations.


    Put the dough hook in the kitchenmachine and weigh the ingredients.
    Put the wholemeal flour, flour, yeast and the lukewarm water in mixing bowl.
    Let the kitchen machine mix all the ingredients into a smooth dough.
    Calculation to 5 minutes kneading at speed 3.
    Add after 5 minutes the milk and oiland salt and knead another 5 minutes on speed 3.
    Rub the meantime a large bowl with olive oil.
    Knead the pizza dough into a large ball and place it in the bowl.
    Place a wet towel over the bowl and let the ball pizza dough rise for about 2 hours at room temperature.

    Take the ingredients of tomato sauce and make the tomato sauce.
    Roll the dough into a slab of 30cm diameter and keep the edges slightly thicker.
    Spread the dough with the Tomatosauce and spread with back of a spoon.
    Top the pizza with the wisps Parma ham, tomato, sliced ​​mozzarella, parmesan cheese.
    Preheat the oven at least 30 minutes at 250 degrees that he is thoroughly hot.
    If you have a grill set this also to max (when you bake turn it off).
    Bake 15 minutes at 250 degrees and turn the pizza after him seven minutes to allow the front back of the oven will be located.
    Sprinkle the baked pizza with pine nuts, rucolla, bassilicum and fresh figs.

    Bon appetite!

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