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    Expressing milk at work 

    Planning ahead really does takes on a whole new meaning when you become a mum. These tips will keep you comfortable and organized for those times when you need to express while you’re not at home.

    Pack well

    When it comes to expressing away from home, having the right gear on hand can give you an enormous confidence boost. Here’s a list of things to pack:

    • Breast pump –  opt for an electric/battery-powered pump if you need to express frequently, or a manual pump if you are tight on space
    • Bottles or air-tight containers to collect milk
    • Labels for writing date and contents
    • Breast pads
    • Photos of your baby to help trigger letdown reflex
    • Cool bag with ice-pack to take milk home

    Choose your space

    Whether you’re at a friend’s house or expressing at work, try find a space where you have the necessities, like water, and a place you can safely store your milk. Also, the best place to express is a room where you won’t be disturbed and where you will feel relaxed. In fact, studies have shown that the more comfortable you feel, the more milk you can generally express.


    If you’re returning to work, don’t be shy about opening up the conversation with your workplace beforehand.


    Keep it safe

    Once you’ve expressed milk you’ll also need to store it safely. Here are some basic guidelines so no breast milk goes to waste.

    • Store milk in an air-tight container
    • Label clearly with the date and contents of the bottle
    • Refrigerate immediately if possible, or
    • Store in a cool bag with an ice-pack if you will be out for more than 4 hours.

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