Check that all the connections (mask, hose, elbow) are secure.
If your DreamWear mask seems to be leaking, there could be several reasons. Please find out how we can help you.
Check that all the connections (mask, hose, elbow) are secure.
Try reseating the full face cushion on your face under the nose first to correct the leak. If there is no improvement with the above steps, readjust the headgear straps. The mask should be as loose as possible while still creating a seal. A mask that is too tight against the face can cause leaks to occur by creating folds in the material.
You can find more fitting guide instructions and videos at
If you are still having trouble when fitting your mask, consult your user guide for complete fitting instructions.
If neither of these methods work, try a different cushion and/or frame size. Talk to the homecare provider about trying other sizes.