5 min. read time Crying is your baby’s way of communicating, but even though it’s natural, it’s completely normal to want to try to comfort your baby. Understandably, this can leave parents wondering how to make a baby stop crying. So, let’s get started. Firstly, remember that you’re doing great. Now it’s time to read on for our handy tips to help make your journey that little bit smoother. If you have any questions or concerns about your baby’s crying, never hesitate to contact a doctor. Crying can sometimes be a sign of an underlying medical issue, so it’s best to address any additional symptoms as soon as you notice them.
It can seem like a challenge at times but understanding the causes can help you learn how to calm your crying baby. In this article we will explore the top reasons why your baby may be crying and 6 tips for soothing a crying baby including:
Infants crying is not only normal, but expected, especially during the first three months of life. Here are a few key facts about crying babies you should know before we move on to explaining why they cry and how to calm a crying baby: 1 Tip: These facts are just guidelines! It’s important to remember though, that all babies are different, and so are their crying habits! Crying is your baby’s method of communication and a way for them to tell you that something is wrong. The key is to know what is making your baby fussy. Here are several reasons your baby may cry before we show you how to stop a baby from crying: Tip: If you think the root of the crying may be that your baby has acid reflux, you can learn more about the different types of refluxes and how to deal with it here. Tip: Don’t forget the rule of 3s.2 If your baby is crying for more than three hours a day, for more than three days a week, and they are up to three months of age, it could be colic; but don’t panic! There are a few things you can do to help soothe a colicky baby. Be sure to contact your baby’s doctor, or call 111, if your child appears sick or shows the following symptoms in addition to excessive crying even if you have tried soothing a crying baby: 3
If the symptoms worsen, your baby’s skin changes colour, or they have a fit do not hesitate to call 999.
Once you’ve narrowed down the potential causes of the crying, you will be better informed on how to soothe a baby. The most important thing to remember is not to get frustrated and to stay as calm as possible. Here are our tips on how to calm a baby: 3
One of the most helpful techniques to use for soothing a crying baby is swaddling. Make sure that you don’t cover your baby’s head or overheat your baby. And do not swaddle once your little one begins rolling over, usually around four months of age.
When your baby is crying – especially without reason – it’s natural to want to pick them up, and it’s usually what they want too! If you’re trying to figure out how to calm a fussy baby at night, try holding your baby until they fall back asleep. Plus, any gentle movements or vibrations can be very soothing to a fussy baby. Tip: Wondering how to calm a crying baby? You may wish to try this soothie snuggle that is recommended for helping to calm newborns. With a soft, lightweight toy attached, this dummy can help your baby feel secure and comforted.
What you need
Baby snuggle with soother
A little white noise can go a long way when figuring out how to calm a baby. There are apps and even white noise machines available to calm your newborn. Alternatively, you could use a baby monitor which comes with a comforting night light and relaxing lullabies to help soothe your baby. Remember to avoid any loud sounds, and to turn the white noise off once your baby is awake and calm so that he or she can become accustomed to normal everyday sounds..
It’s best to encourage night-time sleeping instead of daytime. If your newborn has been asleep during the day for more than two hours, try to gently wake them up. This will help when trying to get your baby to sleep in the evening.
Look for hunger cues and make sure that you are not feeding your baby every time he or she cries, as this could lead to overfeeding. Here are a few tips for using feedings for soothing a crying baby:
When learning how to make a baby stop crying, it’s best to lead by example in the sense that you want to try to remain as calm as possible. We know it can be easy to become frustrated or feel like you are doing something wrong when your baby cries. Tip: Don’t forget, even though continuous crying can be frustrating, you must never shake your baby as this can cause brain damage. 4 If you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, ensure your baby is safe (for example inside their cot) and step into another room for a few minutes to calm yourself before going back to them. 3 With this guide we’ve show you 6 simple steps for how to soothe a crying baby, to help you on your parenting journey. Just remember, you’re doing great, your infant crying is perfectly normal, and you will discover how to soothe your baby in no time. If your baby shows any other symptoms or if you have any questions or concerns, remember to contact a healthcare professional for further support.
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