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    Philips Support

    My Philips Shaver is not charging

    Published on 20 March 2023
    If your shaver is not charging, the troubleshooting tips below may help you find a solution.

    We recommend that you follow the steps in the order listed below. In between steps, check to see if the issue is resolved before moving to the next.
    The battery starts charging slowly when you charge your shaver for the first time or after you have not used your shaver for a long time. The battery charges gradually to prevent damage to your shaver. Let your shaver charge for at least two hours, then recheck the charging status.

    It is normal for the battery light indicator not to flash during the first few hours of charging after a long period of not being used.

    Note: Always unplug your shaver from the charger before turning it on. Your shaver will not turn on when it is plugged into the charger.
    Does your shaver not charge when it is plugged in? Your plug socket might not work. Try using a different plug socket to charge it.
    Not all Philips shavers use the same charger, and the charger provided with one model might not be compatible with another. We recommend charging the shaver by using the original charger that came with your shaver.

    Check your charging adapter and cord for signs of damage. If you notice any damage to your adapter or cord, stop using it immediately. Purchase a replacement in our online shop.

    This solution applies to all shavers that are compatible with the SmartClean holder. You can skip this step if your shaver is incompatible with the SmartClean system.
    1. Press down the top cap of the SmartClean holder until you hear a click.
    2. Hold the shaver upside down above the holder. Make sure that the front of the shaver points toward the holder.
    3. Place the shaver in the holder. Gently tilt it backwards and press down the top cap of the SmartClean holder until you hear a click.
    If you have placed it correctly, you will see a battery light indicator flashing on the SmartClean holder.

    Alternatively, you can watch the video below.
    Charging the Philips Shaver in SmartClean system
    Play Pause
    If none of these tips help, your shaver may be damaged internally. We recommend that you request a repair or exchange for your shaver. 
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