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    How to grow a thicker beard: natural ways to support growth

    Reading time: 6 mins

    Man with dark hair and a natural, full beard smiles in the mirror in a room with a green background

    Having a well-groomed beard has often been used a symbol of style. And while beard trends come and go, having a thick, full-bodied beard, no matter the style, is often desired. It’s no wonder, then, that so many want to know how to encourage beard growth and how to grow a good beard. 

    While there are numerous products available on the market that claim to enhance beard growth and maintain its appearance, some of us prefer more natural ways to grow a beard. In this article, we will explore methods of growing a beard naturally, alternatives to common beard products, find out the best natural oil for beard growth and take a look at their benefits.

    Why choose natural products?

    Opting for natural ways to grow a beard provides several benefits:

    • Enhances your beard health. Natural remedies can boost your beard health by providing it with essential nutrients.

    • Can be kinder to sensitive skin. The primary skin-related benefit of natural beard growth remedies is that they can be kinder to the skin. These remedies are typically milder and contain fewer harsh chemicals, reducing the likelihood of irritation and allergic reactions which can be caused by some chemicals in hair care products.1

    • Can be kinder to the environment. Using natural alternatives can help in preserving our planet. Key reasons include:
      • Fewer harsh chemicals. Some hair care products can contain parabens and sulphates, which can not only be harmful to humans, but to our oceans, too.2
      • Less packaging. Most natural oils only require a few drops per application, which means you won’t need to replace the bottle as often. Plus, introducing beard-friendly nutrients into your diet doesn’t involve any new products! Reducing and improving our packaging is also a key priority for us at Philips as part of our sustainability journey. We are working towards transitioning to paper-based packaging by 2025. By minimising the use of plastic in our packaging, we aim to reduce our reliance on virgin resources and contribute to a more sustainable future.

    How to get a thicker beard with a balanced diet

    A well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals plays a crucial role in promoting healthy hair growth, including facial hair. Foods containing biotin and zinc can be beneficial for beard health.3,4 Try to eat foods such as eggs, nuts, leafy greens, and fish to get the nutrients needed for healthy hair. Eating foods rich in protein, like lean meats and legumes, could also help to support beard growth and overall hair health.5


    Eating a balanced diet not only has potential benefits for your beard growth, but supports all areas of your health.6 So, if you’re looking for a boost to your natural beard growth with holistic benefits, we recommend this method as one of the very best.

    How to grow a good beard with coconut, jojoba and argan oil

    If you're keen on embracing natural beard growth, there are also several topical products to consider. Natural remedies offer their own, unique benefits and can help you achieve a healthier and thicker beard, and many people swear by them. It’s important to keep in mind that there is limited scientific evidence for the success of these natural remedies; they may only make beards look thicker by conditioning them.

    .And remember, always conduct a patch test on a small area of skin before trying these natural ways to grow a beard.

    How to encourage beard growth: coconut oil

    For those wondering how to encourage beard growth, coconut oil has gained popularity as a natural remedy for various hair-related issues. Evidence that it stimulates hair growth is limited, but its moisturising properties can prevent dryness and breakage, promoting healthier and thicker beard growth.7 Apply a small amount of coconut oil to your beard daily for best results. Gently massage it into your facial hair and leave it on for a few hours or overnight before washing it off to enhance the shine and overall texture of your beard!


    It’s worth noting that coconut oil can clog your pores so if you’re prone to acne, this might not be the remedy for you!

    See more below ↓

    Recommended products

    Jojoba oil for conditioning beards

    Jojoba oil closely resembles the natural oils produced by the skin, making it an excellent choice for conditioning the beard. It helps maintain moisture, prevents dandruff, and adds shine to your facial hair.8 Massage a few drops of jojoba oil into your beard after washing to keep it nourished and healthy. Its lightweight texture ensures that your beard doesn't feel greasy while providing the necessary hydration.

    Is argan oil good for beards?

    If you’re looking for the best natural oil for beard growth, nutrient-rich argan oil has gained popularity as a favourite. Rich in essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins, argan oil nourishes both the skin and hair follicles, promoting healthier beard growth.9 It helps moisturise and hydrate the skin beneath the beard, reducing dryness, flakiness, and itchiness – factors that can inhibit beard growth.

    Keeping your natural beard growth tidy

    Whatever the thickness of your beard, it will look its best when it’s neatly groomed. To get your beard to the thickness and shape you love, why not use the Philips OneBlade? Showerproof and easy to use, the OneBlade lets you trim, edge and shave your beloved facial hair with ease.


    When you need a fresh blade, our OneBlade subscription makes getting replacement blades effortless and allows you to keep using the same handle. This approach reduces unnecessary consumption and contributes to a more sustainable product lifecycle.


    We’re also making it easier to recycle these products when it’s time to say goodbye to your OneBlade. We have teamed up with TerraCycle to make it easier to recycle your used blades and shaving heads.

    Now you’re an expert in natural beard growth 

    By exploring these natural alternatives to grow a beard naturally such as a balanced diet, coconut oil, jojoba oil, and argan oil, you could enhance your beard's health and appearance. Not only do these natural remedies offer numerous benefits, but they could also contribute to a healthier environment. Now you know exactly how to encourage beard growth, why not check out our other 5 essential beard care tips? Better still, take a look at how to trim and shave that luscious beard properly!


    Embrace the natural route and consider incorporating the Philips OneBlade into your grooming routine for a perfectly maintained beard. Let nature and innovation work hand in hand to help you achieve the beard you want.


    1 ‘Allergens in Popular Hair Products May Cause Allergic Contact Dermatitis’, Dermatology Advisor

    2 ‘How Your Shampoo Dirties the Environment’, One Green Planet

    3 Patel DP, Swink SM, Castelo-Soccio L. A Review of the Use of Biotin for Hair Loss. Skin Appendage Disord. 2017 Aug;3(3):166-169. doi: 10.1159/000462981. Epub 2017 Apr 27. PMID: 28879195; PMCID: PMC5582478.

    4 Kondrakhina IN, Verbenko DA, Zatevalov AM, Gatiatulina ER, Nikonorov AA, Deryabin DG, Kubanov AA. Plasma Zinc Levels in Males with Androgenetic Alopecia as Possible Predictors of the Subsequent Conservative Therapy's Effectiveness. Diagnostics (Basel). 2020 May 24;10(5):336. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics10050336. PMID: 32456296; PMCID: PMC7277952.

    5 ‘10 Best Foods for Hair Growth, According to Dietitians’, Good Housekeeping

    6 Health Benefits of Eating Well, NHS Inform

    7 McMullen, Roger & Jachowicz, J. (2003). Optical properties of hair: Effect of treatments on luster as quantified by image analysis. Journal of cosmetic science. 54. 335-51.

    8 Jojoba Oil for Hair: How It Works, Healthline

    9 Does Argan Oil Help Protect Against Hair Loss? Healthline

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