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    Philips Support

    Which Natural Response teat suits my baby best?

    Published on 27 June 2024
    Newborn babies tend to follow the same pattern when breastfeeding as they do while bottle-feeding. We recommend watching your baby's cues to find the best teat flow rate.

    The Philips Avent Natural Response teats are available in flow rates from 1 to 5 in the United States and Canada and from 1 to 6 in other countries. Teats with the highest flow rate (6) are more suitable for thicker liquids or babies who want a fast flow.

    Start with the teat that comes with the bottle and adjust from there. If you have no success after a few feeding attempts, change to a different teat flow rate. Use a higher flow rate if your baby falls asleep during feeding, gets frustrated or plays with the teat instead of drinking. Use a lower flow rate if your baby is gulping the milk down or if milk drips out of their mouth during feeding.

    Enthusiastic babies use strong suction and compression while drinking, resulting in greater milk flow. Therefore, they usually need a lower teat flow, such as teat number 1 or 2, to avoid overflow. Slow- and steady-drinking babies are likely to prefer a higher teat flow (such as teat number 4 or 5/6) to ensure that enough milk flows, regardless of age.

    If you used the previous Natural teat, your baby may need a higher flow rate with the Natural Response teat because they are used to more milk flowing quickly with less effort.

    Finding the right teat is important:
    If your newborn baby is consistently not taking enough milk throughout the feeding sessions or has complications in getting milk, switch to a teat with a higher flow rate.  
    If persistent feeding issues occur, consult a healthcare professional.
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