Reading time: 5 mins. When it comes to breastfeeding, it’s best to focus on the needs of the baby. Breastfeed babies when they’re hungry – they have their own way of communicating this, such as searching for the breast and opening their mouth slightly. But how often should a newborn feed? Here you can find out more about newborn breastfeeding: how often, how long for, and how to create a pumping and breastfeeding schedule.
The ideal breastfeeding schedule is different for each baby and mother, and changes after the first few months. But there are certain guidelines that give you an idea of how often to breastfeed newborn babies when they’re brand new.
A newborn baby usually needs to be breastfed between eight and 12 times within 24 hours. This usually falls into a naturally-occurring newborn breastfeeding schedule, which the baby will control. Between feeding times, the baby usually sleeps and the mother can rest.
So when establishing a schedule for breastfeeding, how often is covered, but what about how much milk newborns drink in each feed? Newborns usually drink for shorter periods, more frequently, which stimulates milk production. Frequent breastfeeding has advantages, as it empties the breast more often, so you’re less likely to suffer with engorged breasts.
So that’s brand new babies’ feeding covered, but how often should you breastfeed a newborn after six weeks? Around this age, babies have a growth spurt that increases their hunger. You’ll now feed your baby more often, so the milk production is stimulated and thus adapts to the higher feeding need. With high milk production, you might experience leaking between feeds. Philips Avent breast pads help you feel dry and comfortable, day and night.
Since the breastfeeding rhythm varies from baby to baby, there is no optimal breastfeeding schedule. It makes more sense to just feed as needed, whether you're breastfeeding or pumping. How often should you breastfeed a newborn? It’s down to the newborn! This is called feeding on demand. Your baby knows how much milk he or she needs, and when, and after a few weeks, a rhythm settles in.
As for the split between daytime and night-time feeding, there are no exact rules, as babies (especially when they are still very young) have their own rhythm. But, in general, breastfeeding takes place about every two hours during the day (and sometimes more often). As breast milk is digested very quickly, babies need to be fed every few hours, even at night.
When it comes to combining breastfeeding and formula, again, there are not set rules – you do whatever’s best for you, your baby and your family. You might choose to create a breastfeeding and formula feeding schedule that takes into consideration the times that formula is needed, so that you can have a supply ready and available.
Was The same approach applies when you’re breastfeeding and using a pump – it’s a personal decision as to how you set it up, based on your baby’s needs. But it’s worth knowing that it’s a good idea to pump regularly, so that your milk supply continues. How often to express milk is personal preference, and depends entirely on how much breast milk you feed your baby from a bottle.
It’s important to breastfeed (and pump) using both breasts, and to alternate each side when breastfeeding (or pumping). Some mums change the breast after each feed and some change in the middle of a feed. Your baby might show a preference.
Some midwives recommend that mothers record when the baby was fed, on which breast, and any breastfeeding issues they experienced. This can be particularly helpful if you want to remember when you’ve breastfed and when to pump while breastfeeding your newborn. There are also apps that can record details about feeding.
Whether you opt for breastfeeding or a combination of breastfeeding and bottle-feeding, the important thing is that you enjoy the time with your baby. Especially in the first few months, the baby goes through important developmental steps and changes almost daily.
When mother and baby concentrate exclusively on each other during feeding, a special bond is created. The sucking motion often calms babies, so many parents also use dummies for times when breastfeeding isn’t available. The Philips Avent Ultra Soft Snuggle combines a dummy with a plush animal that’s lightly weighted to help babies feel secure.
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