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    How to use a breast pump: A guide to manual vs electric breast pump


    6 min. read


    We all know that breastmilk stimulates your baby’s immune system and helps to protect them against allergies and infections.1 However, there are times when breastfeeding isn’t an option, or you may be away from your baby. That’s where expressing your breastmilk can come in handy.


    In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about how to use a breast pump, including:


    • Why do people learn how to use a breast pump?
    • Manual pump vs electric pump: a simple guide to different types of breast pump
    • Your guide to Philips' breast pumps
    • How to use a manual breast pump
    • How to use an electric breast pump


    So, what is a good breast pump? Let’s show you. Read on for your guide to all things breast pump!

    Why do people learn how to use a breast pump?


    Wondering why people choose to express, in addition to or instead of breastfeeding? Some of the top reasons for learning how to use a breast pump include:2


    1. You can continue giving your baby breastmilk even if you are going to be apart for a while, for example, if you choose to return to work.
    2. You’re able to provide breastmilk for your baby if they are premature or need to spend some time in the hospital.
    3. Breast pumps can help to induce lactation if you have adopted a baby.
    4. Expressing breastmilk can help to increase your supply, especially in cases where you want to provide milk for multiple babies such as twins or triplets.

    Manual pump vs electric pump: a simple guide to different types of breast pump


    So, what is a manual breast pump? And what is an electric breast pump? Below is our guide to manual vs electric breast pumps: 

    Manual breast pumps


    Manual breast pumps have a handle which you squeeze by hand to express the milk. They are a great choice for parents who are on a budget or only wish to express occasionally.



    • Cheap
    • Quiet
    • Compact
    • Lightweight
    • Simple to use
    • Perfect for travel



    • You can only express from one breast at a time
    • It can be difficult to get into a rhythm
    • Slower
    • Tiring 

    Electric breast pumps


    An electric breast pump does the work for you, mimicking your baby’s sucking action to express milk. They are a great choice for parents who are expressing their breastmilk regularly or exclusively.



    • Fast
    • Powerful
    • Efficient
    • More choice
    • Different settings 



    • More expensive
    • Noisier than manually pumping
    • Requires a plug socket or battery to work
    • Less portable

    Your guide to Philips’ breast pumps


    What is a good breast pump? Now we’ve explored the pros and cons of each different type of breast pump, here’s our guide to Philips’ breast pumps before we show you how to use an Avent breast pump:

    Philips Avent manual breast pump with a bottle


    If you need efficient, simple, and relaxed manual expression, the Philips Avent manual breast pump with a bottle is the perfect choice. It’s compact and easy to assemble, designed for comfort, and is easy to store and transport, making pumping on the go more discreet. With its design, you can express effortlessly.

    Philips Avent electric breast pump


    Looking for a device that works with your body to express the optimum amount of milk in the minimum length of time? The Philips Avent electric breast pump is the one for you! Guaranteeing quick and comfortable pumping, the flexible silicone cushion fits 99.98% of nipple sizes, and Natural Motion Technology helps achieve quick milk flow.*

    What you need

    How to use a manual breast pump


    Here is our 6-step guide for how to use a manual breast pump:3


    Top tip: Before getting started, take care to clean and sterilise your pump and accessories.


    1. Wash your hands.
    2. Get comfortable. 

      Top tip: We know it’s easier said than done, especially if you have multiple children, but try and find a warm, quiet room where you can pump undisturbed.

    3. Massage your breast to help with the let-down reflex.
    4. Cover your nipples with the breast shield or funnel.
    5. Slowly start to pump by compressing the handle.

      Top tip: Be patient! It can take a few minutes for the milk to begin to let down.

    6. Switch breasts when your milk starts slowing down and continue to express and switch breasts until both breasts are empty.


    Once you have finished expressing your breastmilk, place a lid on your bottle or container. Breastmilk can be kept for 8 days in the back of your fridge or 6 months in the freezer.4

    How to use an electric breast pump


    Here is our 6-step guide for how to use an electric breast pump:3


    Top tip: Don’t forget to ensure your pump and accessories are clean and sterile before using them.


    1. Wash your hands. 
    2. Get comfortable.
    3. Massage your breast to help with the let-down reflex.
    4. Place the funnel or breast shield over your nipples.
    5. Turn on your breast pump.

      Top tip: Always start with a slow speed until the let-down begins. Once breastmilk begins to flow, you can increase the speed – just always keep it at a speed that is comfortable for you.

    6. Once the milk flow slows, switch breasts. Continue expressing and switching until both breasts are empty.

    Did you know…? If you want to try expressing your breastmilk without committing to a device, you can give them a trial with the rental service for breast pumps!


    After sealing the container or bottle properly, you can then store the milk in the back of the fridge for up to 8 days or in the freezer for up to 6 months.4 For more information on using expressed milk and bottle feeding the right way check out our guide.


    Top tip: Do you need more advice on how to use a Philips breast pump for expressing from how often to express to how long to express? Our guide is here to help!


    From answers to questions such as, “What is a manual breast pump” to steps for how to use your new pump, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ve explored everything you need to know to make an informed decision between manual vs electric breast pumps.

    * Based on milk flow initiation time (time to Milk Ejection Reflex — MER) results.

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