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    Philips Support

    How to clean my Philips Sonicare toothbrush?

    Published on 30 May 2023
    Cleaning your toothbrush and brush heads regularly improves their lifespan and performance. Clean your toothbrush after use by rinsing your brush head and bristles. Wipe the handle with a damp cloth.

    You can sanitise your toothbrush head daily using the Philips Sonicare UV Brush Head Sanitiser, which removes 99% of all bacteria from your brush heads. 

    We recommend carrying out a detailed weekly cleaning session. Just follow the easy steps below:
    1. Remove the brush head.
    2. Rinse the bottom of the brush head with warm water.
    3. Rinse the metal shaft area with warm water.
    4. Wipe the entire handle with a cloth and make sure that you wipe around the top seal (around the metal shaft), the buttons on the handle and the bottom of the toothbrush. 
    5. Wipe the entire surface of the handle with a wet cloth. 

    Never use the dishwasher to clean your toothbrush or any of its accessories. Do not puncture the rubber seal around the metal shaft as this may cause water damage. 
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