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    Philips Support

    What do the symbols on my Philips S9000 Shaver mean?

    Published on 10 July 2024
    This article contains information about two versions of the latest models of the S9000 shaver. To see which version you have, the alpha character A or B will follow the / symbol. Please check the back of your shaver as described in the image below.

    If you want to know what the symbols and indicator lights on your Philips S9000 Shaver mean, please find an explanation of each symbol below. 

    Note: The images below only apply to the latest S9000 Shaver models. If you own an older S9000 model or another shaver series, please visit our other articles. 

    Model A/Main menu (shaver turned off)

    When your shaver is turned off, you can use the main menu button (icon with three dots) to navigate through four menu items. These items are listed below, with numbers corresponding to the illustrations provided.
    1. Battery: the current battery level of your shaver is shown on the display.
    2. Motion feedback: the motion feedback score from your last shave is shown on the display.
    3. Travel lock: whether or not the travel lock is turned on is shown on the display. Turn it on or off by holding the menu button for 3 seconds.
    4. Bluetooth pairing: this icon indicates the Bluetooth pairing status of your shaver. 
    Note: The icons mentioned above are only visible when the shaver is turned off.


    Model A/Main menu (shaver turned on)

    When your shaver is turned on, pressing the main menu button allows you to switch between the three Pressure Guard sensor settings. Depending on your chosen setting, the light ring on your shaver will provide full pressure feedback, partial pressure feedback or no pressure feedback.

    Model A/Post-shave feedback

    If activated via the app on your mobile device, your shaver handle can provide you with feedback on your motion and pressure after each shave. The feedback is provided in the following format, with numbers corresponding to the illustrations below:
    1. A sufficient number of circular motions were made with the shaver and the pressure applied was also correct.
    2. More attention should be paid to making circular motions with the shaver when shaving.
    3. The following 2 icons will appear in your post shaving feedback, if you apply too little pressure (first image) or too much pressure when shaving (second image). 

    Note: pressure feedback is also provided during your shave by your shaver's light ring (if enabled) and additional detailed feedback can be found in the app.

    Model A/Notification and warning icons

    Your shaver handle may display a notification or warning symbol from time to time, and each of these symbols are explained below (with numbers corresponding to the illustrations provided):
    1. Battery low: the battery of your shaver is running low. Please charge your shaver.
    2. Memory almost full: the data storage on your shaver is nearly full. Sync your shavers with the app to avoid data loss.
    3. Thorough cleaning: the shaving unit is heavily soiled. Please thoroughly clean your shaver in the manner indicated in the user manual before its next use.
    4. Incorrect supply unit: an incorrect power cord or supply unit is inserted into the shaver. Please use the power cord or supply unit provided with your Philips shaver.
    5. Unplug before use: please unplug the shaver from the power supply before use.
    6. Quick Clean Pod cleaning reminder: give your shaver a quick clean in the Quick Clean Pod.
    7. Cleaning reminder: clean the shaver under the tap in the manner indicated in the user manual.
    8. Cleaning underway: the cleaning process is in progress and the display shows the remaining cleaning time in seconds.
    9. Cleaning interrupted: the cleaning cycle has been interrupted. 

    Model B/Main menu

    You can use the main menu button (icon with three dots) to navigate through the menu items. You can also activate or deactivate certain features with a long press. These items are listed below, with numbers corresponding to the illustrations provided.
    1. Battery: the current battery level of your shaver is shown on the display.
    2. Motion sensor: You can optimise your shaving experience by applying the right motion and amount of pressure. This item shows the star rating of your last shave. It indicates whether the pressure and motion you applied during the shave was good or could be improved. Note: This menu is displayed only after you activate this feature via the app settings.
    3. Travel lock: press and hold the menu button for 3 seconds to lock or unlock your shaver. When the travel lock is activated, Bluetooth will be switched off automatically and your shaver will enter energy saving mode.
    4. Light ring: You can deactivate or reactivate the light ring feedback in this menu. To do it, toggle through the menu items by pressing the menu button until you reach the "Light on" or "Light off" menu. Then, press and hold the menu button for 3 seconds until you see "Light off" or "Light on" on the display.
    5. Bluetooth: Here you can unpair your shaver and smartphone. Note: The Bluetooth menu is only displayed when your shaver is paired to your smartphone.

    Note: the icons mentioned above are only visible when the shaver is turned off.

    Model B/Notification and warning icons

    Your shaver handle may display a notification or warning symbol from time to time, and each of these symbols are explained below (with numbers corresponding to the illustrations provided):
    1. Battery low: your shaver's battery is running low. Please charge your shaver.
    2. Memory almost full: the data storage on your shaver is nearly full. Sync your shavers with the app to avoid data loss.
    3. Thorough cleaning: the shaving unit is heavily soiled. Please thoroughly clean your shaver in the manner indicated in the user manual before its next use.
    4. Incorrect supply unit: an incorrect power cord or supply unit is inserted into the shaver. Please use the power cord or supply unit provided with your Philips shaver.
    5. Unplug before use: please unplug the shaver from the power supply before use.
    6. Quick Clean Pod cleaning reminder: give your shaver a quick clean in the Quick Clean Pod.
    7. Cleaning reminder: clean the shaver under the tap in the manner indicated in the user manual.
    8. Cleaning underway: the cleaning process is in progress and the display shows the remaining cleaning time in seconds.
    9. Cleaning interrupted: the cleaning cycle has been interrupted. 
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