We all want our homes to be safe and clean for our families. But the air in your home can be 2 to 5 times more polluted than the air outside.
Air pollution can have a number of impacts on your health. The most common symptoms include headache, inflammation, nasal congestion, respiratory problems, skin irritation and stomach pain.
Respiratory droplets or aerosols can carry viruses that cause diseases, like the common cold, influenza or Covid-19.
Hay fever sufferers are allergic to outdoor pollens found in grasses, trees or weeds.
Pet allergens can stay in the home for months and bother you, even after the animal has been removed.
These microscopic creatures nest in our bedding and upholstered furniture.
Philips air purifiers have a multi-stage filtration system that captures up to 99.97% of harmful particles, from dust and allergens to aerosols and PM2.5 particles.
A number of outdoor pollutants can sneak into our homes and contribute to poor air quality.
Cookers, heaters, stoves and open fires can release dangerous gases into the air.
The air can carry microorganisms, especially in hot or humid areas.
Tiny particles from smoke can drift through your home and remain harmful for up to 5 hours.
Mold spores are usually found lurking in the bathroom, kitchen or basement.
Gases that emit from household products like cleaners and disinfectants.
Cleaning, bed-making or any kind of human activity can resuspend dust back into the air.
Philips air purifiers have a multi-stage filtration system that captures up to 99.97% of harmful particles, from dust and allergens to aerosols and PM2.5 particles. *From the air that passes through the filter, tested with NaCl aerosol by iUTA according to DIN71460-1.
Purifies nano-sized particles
Once the air passes through the filter, the microscopic pollutants are trapped.
1 Milimeter
60-100 microns
15 microns
< 10 microns
5-10 microns
<2.5 microns
1-3 microns
0.5-3 microns
0.1-0.5 microns
0.045 microns
0.01 microns
Tested for 99.97% filtration of nano-particles, at 0.003 microns by IUTA independent institute. *Particle sizes are indicative, to give a scale of reference. Some of the listed particle types cover a wider size-range. **Respiratory droplets and aerosols can carry smaller particles within them, like dust or coronavirus. ***HEPA Filters according to the American US DOESTD-3020-2015 standards.
The Clean Air Delivery Rate is the global standard for measuring how much air (m3) a purifier can clean in a certain amount of time. So, the higher the CADR, the faster the purification. Airflow only measures wind speed, so it only tells us how much air is coming out. What airflow does not tell us is how clean that air is. This is why CADR is the right metric to use when choosing your purifier.
WHO considers contact and droplets major routes of transmission for Covid-19. Aerosol transmission can occur in specific settings, particularly in indoor, crowded and inadequately ventilated spaces where infected people spend long periods of time with others, such as restaurants.
WHO’s primary role is to direct international health within the United Nation’s system and to lead partners in global health responses.
An indoor air purifier detects and captures pollutants in the air, including aerosols that can contain viruses. The particles get trapped by the fibers of the HEPA NanoProtect filter, and clean air is released back into the indoor space.
Aerosols are solid or liquid particles of small size (<5 micron), that remain airborne for prolonged periods – and can carry viruses.
Philips air purifiers create circulation in an indoor environment, which draws air through its filters and chapters viruses together with other pollutants as small as 0.003 microns.
Viruses can spread from an infected person’s mouth or nose in small liquid particles when they cough, sneeze, speak or breathe. These particles range in size from larger respiratory droplets to smaller aerosols.
The virus will lose viability since there is no host cell inside the filters.
Independent airmid health group with accredited virology lab. Tested for 99.9% virus removal with H1N1 influenza virus.
Independent airmid health group with accredited virology lab. Tested for 99.9% virus removal with H1N1 influenza virus.
An independent study from the Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany demonstrated that the use of portable air purifiers can help reduce aerosol levels in a classroom. Based on the experimental findings and subsequent theoretical modeling, the investigators concluded that air purifiers are an important additional measure of precaution.
Testing mobile air purifiers in a school classroom: Reducing the airborne transmission risk for SARS-CoV-2 (J. Curtis, M. Granzin, J. Schrod, Dec. 2020)
Position paper on understanding the role of aerosol particles in SARS-CoV-2 infection (Association for Aerosol Research, Dec. 2020)
WHO, Ventilation & COVID-19 (Nov. 2020)
German Stiftung Warentest tested how well the winners of the Air Purifier Test March 2020 catch aerosols (Jan. 2021)
*Aerosol is a mixture of air with solid or liquid particles. It is maneuverable, constantly changing and can hardly be managed.
Your immune system's job is to defend your body from harmful invaders such as bacteria and viruses. But when it mistakenly declares war on substances it shouldn’t, that’s an allergy.
99.97% of the airborne allergens like pollen, dust mites, mold spores and pet dander that passes through the filter, are filtered from the air.
European Center for Allergy Research Foundation
Certified allergy-friendly. Philips air purifiers fit the needs of allergy sufferers.
*From the air that passes through the filter, tested according to Austiran OFI test method SOP 350.00.
In 2020, a Philips-sponsored study run by the Munich Germany Center for Environmental Health proved the effectiveness of purifiers in removing house dust mite allergens.
2000i series
All-round purifier for medium spaces
Medium/large (79m2)
333 m3/h (CADR)
1000i series
All-round purifier for small to medium spaces
Medium (63m2)
270 m3/h (CADR)
800 series
Compact and effortless purification
Small (49m2)
190 m3/h (CADR)
2-in-1 combination
Air Purifier and Humidifier
Medium (80m2)
310 m3/h (CADR)
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