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    clean kitchen where recipes are prepared

    Champagne cocktail with vanilla ice cream

    Will make you feel like a culinary queen

    Servings 4 persons, Preparation time 0 minutes, Cooking time: 5 minutes


    • 250 g fresh or frozen raspberries
    • 4 scoops of good vanilla ice cream
    • 200 ml champagne


    • Defrost raspberries if using frozen ones. Keep 12 raspberries for decoration and purée the rest with the hand blender.
    • Divide the purée over 4 cocktail glasses and add a scoop of vanilla ice cream to each glass. Carefully pour in the champagne to make a separate layer on top of the raspberry purée.
    • Garnish with the rest of the raspberries.
    • 5 minutes preparation time
    • (if using frozen raspberries, allow for extra time to defrost before preparation)
    Champagne cocktail with vanilla ice cream | Philips Chef Recipes

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