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    Philips Support

    My Philips Espresso Machine does not grind coffee beans

    Published on 01 August 2024

    If the grinder is turning but your Philips Espresso Machine is not grinding the coffee beans, find our instructions below on how to solve this.

    With the handle of a spoon, unblock the coffee funnel: 
    1. Turn OFF the machine and wait until you hear no further sounds (this may take up to 15-20 seconds). 
    2. Release and pull out the brew group. 
    3. Open the lid of the pre-ground coffee funnel and place the spoon handle into the funnel. If there is no pre-ground coffee funnel, insert the spoon handle into the coffee funnel from below. 
    4. Move the handle up and down until the clogged ground coffee falls down. This may require a bit of force. 

    Note: To keep the coffee funnel clean and prevent it from getting blocked, please clean the coffee funnel weekly and do not pour/spill any water into the coffee bean container. 
    Play Pause
    Use a vacuum cleaner to clean it: 
    1. With a vacuum cleaner, remove all the loose, fallen ground coffee. 
    2. Place the vacuum cleaner on the outlet of the coffee funnel and cover the pre-ground coffee funnel with your hand. You can do it the other way around as well, by placing the vacuum on the top and covering the bottom. 
    3. Put the brew group back in its place, turn the machine on and brew an espresso. 
    4. Once brewing is finished, check if the funnel is free from ground coffee. If not, repeat the unblocking procedure. 
    Vacuum ground coffee
    The grind settings knob is located in the bean container. For some machines, you need an extra tool to change the grind setting: the multi-functional tool. To change the grind setting: 
    1. Place a cup under the dispensing spout. 
    2. Push the button to brew a large coffee/espresso lungo. 
    3. When the grinder starts to grind the beans, push the grinder adjustment knob down and twist the knob one notch at a time. Stop twisting the knob when the grinder finishes grinding. In some machines you will need to use the multi-functional key (coffee scoop) to adjust the setting. To do that, put the back end of the pre-ground coffee scoop on the grinder adjustment knob, press it down and then adjust it by one notch. 
    4. Brew a cup of espresso and adjust again when needed. 

    Did these steps not solve the issue? Please contact us for further assistance. 
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