Are you using your iron for the first time?
During the very first use, white flakes may come out from the soleplate of your Philips Steam Iron. This is normal and will go away shortly.
Have you used perfumed water or a descaling solution?
Your Philips Steam Iron is not suitable for perfumed/odourised water use, since they can damage the device. Please rinse the water tank, fill it up with tap water and descale your iron.
Note: If you live in a hard water area, always use distilled or demineralised water (50% demineralised/distilled water mixed with 50% clear water can be used as well) to prolong the lifetime of the device.
Have you just descaled your iron?
For Steam Generator Iron models: Some remaining water from descaling may have come out from the soleplate of your iron. Please make some ironing strokes without pressing the steam button.
For Steam Iron models: You may see some remaining water from descaling come out from the soleplate of your iron. Turn the steam setting to the "no steam" position by using the "steam/no steam" selector on top of the handle of your iron for dry ironing.