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    Philips Support

    Where to find the type and serial number of my Philips/Saeco espresso machine

    Published on 2017-11-09

    You can find the type and serial number on the label on the inside of the service door. Read on for how to find the service door.

    How to open the service door and find the type and serial number

    To open the service door:

    1. Remove the drip tray and the coffee ground container.
    2. Open the service door on the side.

    The number will be in the following format:

    Type number starts with: HDxxxx
    *picture example:HD8743

    Serial number starts with: TWxxxx
    *picture example:TW901348683555

    The information on this page applies to the following models: HD8761/18 , HD8763/18 , HD8750/88 , HD8966/08 , HD8964/08 , HD8768/08 , HD8769/08 , HD8750/18 , HD8767/01 , HD8750/81 , HD8750/11 , HD8751/88 , HD8753/88 , HD8745/12 , HD8833/16 , HD8930/02 , HD8930/01 , HD8944/13 , HD8745/18 , HD8942/12 , HD8942/11 , HD8856/08 , HD8856/06 , HD8856/04 , HD8854/16 , HD8854/14 , HD8838/04 , HD8837/08 , HD8836/18 , HD8833/18 , HD8944/18 , HD8745/11 , HD8838/31 , HD8838/08 , RI9914/01 , RI9913/06 , RI9913/02 , HD8743/11 , RI9933/70 , RI9743/31 , RI9743/13 , RI9305/08 , HD8946/09 , HD8946/02 , HD8944/09 , HD8944/08 , HD8944/07 , HD8944/06 , HD8944/02 , HD8943/29 , HD8943/22 , HD8943/19 , HD8943/16 , HD8943/13 , HD8943/12 , HD8856/09 , HD8856/05 , HD8856/03 , HD8856/02 , HD8854/15 , HD8854/09 , HD8854/03 , HD8854/02 , HD8839/11 , HD8838/09 , HD8838/03 , HD8838/02 , HD8837/32 , HD8837/31 , HD8837/09 , HD8837/06 , HD8837/05 , HD8837/04 , HD8837/03 , HD8837/02 , HD8836/29 , HD8836/22 , HD8836/19 , HD8836/12 , HD8743/12 , HD8743/13 , HD8743/15 , HD8743/16 , HD8743/17 , HD8743/19 , HD8745/01 , HD8745/02 , HD8745/03 , HD8745/04 , HD8745/05 , HD8745/06 , HD8745/07 , HD8745/09 , HD8745/19 , HD8745/21 , HD8745/22 , HD8745/23 , HD8747/01 , HD8747/02 , HD8747/03 , HD8747/09 , HD8833/11 , HD8833/12 , HD8833/13 , HD8833/14 , HD8833/15 , HD8833/19 , HD8833/31 , HD8833/39 , RI9702/04 , RI9833/70 , RI9946/01 , HD8856/01 , RI9752/11 , RI9829/11 , RI9826/11 , RI9757/01 , RI9755/21 , RI9755/11 , RI9837/05 , RI8174/00 , RI8177/50 , RI8176/50 , RI9743/11 , RI9944/04 , RI9944/01 , RI9943/21 , RI9943/11 , RI9837/01 , RI9836/21 , RI9836/11 , RI9833/61 , RI9833/11 , RI9747/01 , RI9745/01 , RI9722/11 , RI9829/01 , RI9828/11 , RI9828/01 , RI9827/01 , RI9826/01 , RI9823/01 , RI9822/01 , RI9754/21 , RI9754/01 , RI9752/31 , RI9752/01 , RI9737/20 , RI9724/11 , RI9724/01 , HD8836/11 , HD8836/21 , HD8837/01 , HD8838/01 , HD8854/01 , HD8943/11 , HD8943/21 , HD8944/01 , HD8946/01 . Click here to show more product numbers Click here to show less product numbers

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