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    Philips Support

    What to do when a software update fails on Philips TV?

    Published on 2019-02-25


    After a software update has been initiated on the TV, the update stops and an error message is prompted, stating the software update could not be completed (the text on the message itself may vary, depending on the TV model) or a software update needs 1,5 hours.


    Make sure that:

    • The software of the TV is outdated and needs to be updated


    Try the following to re-initiate the software update

    1. Start the update again

    • Unplug all connected devices from the TV

    • Unplug the TVs power cord for around 1 minute and plug it back in

    • Restart the TV

    • Initiate the update again

    2. Update via USB

    • Test another USB flash drive

    • If possible, update the TV via the internet by following these steps:

    For non-Android TVs:

    Press the “Home” button and select:

    [Settings] > [Software Update] > [From network]

    For Android TVs:

    Press the “Setings” button on the remote control of the TV and select:

    [All settings] > [Update Software] > [Search for Updates] > [Internet]

    Contact the local Philips TV Support if the software can’t be found.

    3. Start a forced update

    If the regular software update is not possible, try a forced update.

    Follow the below hyperlink for more information on how to force the software update:


    Only for series from 2011 and older

    4. Reset TV memory

    • Press 1 2 3 6 5 4 in fast succession on the remote control of the TV

    • A menu named ‘CSM1’ is shown

    • Press the red coloured button

    • Type the numbers 2 5 3 2 7 in fast succession on the remote control of the TV

    • The TV will not show any confirmation, repeat steps 4.3 and 4.4 to confirm the reset

    • Exit the CSM menu with the “Back” button or the “HOME” button

    • Start the update again

    If the software update is not possible after all steps, please contact your local Philips TV consumer support.

    The information on this page applies to the following models: 55PUS8602/05 , 49PUS7502/05 , 65PUS7502/05 , 55PUS7502/05 , 55POS9002/05 , 32PHT4032/05 , 55PUS6272/05 , 50PUS6272/05 , 43PFT4112/05 , 65PUS6262/05 , 55PUS6262/05 , 50PUS6262/05 , 43PUS6262/05 , 43PFT4132/05 , 22PFT4022/05 , 32PHT4112/05 , 43PUS6162/05 , 65PUS6162/05 , 55PUS6162/05 , 50PUS6162/05 , 24PHT4022/05 , 49PUS6162/12 , 55PUS6162/12 , 49PUS6262/12 , 24PHT4032/05 , 39PHT4112/05 , 32PFT4132/05 , 32PHT4132/05 , 24PFT5231/05 , 55POS901F/12 , 22PFT4031/05 , 49PFT4131/05 , 43PFT4131/05 , 32PHT4131/05 , 24PHT4031/05 , 65PUS7601/12 , 32PHH4101/88 , 40PFS5501/12 , 32PFS5501/12 , 65PUS6521/12 , 43PUS6401/12 , 49PUS6401/12 , 43PUS6501/12 , 55PUS7181/12 , 55PUS6401/12 , 49PUS7181/12 , 49PUS6551/12 , 49PUS6561/12 , 32PFS6401/12 , 55PUS7101/12 , 55PUS6561/12 , 55PUS6551/12 , 49PUS7101/12 , 43PUT4900/12 , 55PUT4900/12 , 49PUT4900/12 , 55PUS8601/12 , 32PFT6500/12 , 32PFT5500/12 , 48PFT5500/12 , 40PFT6510/12 , 55PUT6400/12 , 50PUT6400/12 , 50PFT6550/12 , 50PFT6510/12 , 40PUT6400/12 , 40PFH4100/88 , 48PFH4100/88 , 32PHH4100/88 , 22PFH4000/88 , 24PHH4000/88 , 24PHH5210/88 . Click here to show more product numbers Click here to show less product numbers

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