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    Philips Support

    What is HDR content and which Philips TVs support HDR?

    Published on 2019-02-25


    Philips launched the first 4K HDR Philips TVs in 2016. TVs that support HDR are able to play HDR content.


    Note : HDR is not to be confused with 4K. 4K is an indication of the number of pixels of a screen, which primarily provides more sharpness and detail. HDR is a special technology focusing on colour, contrast and detail. Not all 4K models support HDR.

    The human eye captures the brightest white and darkest black. The way we see colours and the brightness of these colours is the foundation of a “realistic” image.

    The light output of the TV display is measured in amount of “nits” (candela per m2). When capturing image on camera, the latest technology allows recording of higher nit levels. This results in more realistic picture content, closer to the brightness and darkness levels which the human eye can register.

    HDR (High Dynamic Range) is a technique that presents a higher contrast in images, mainly due to wider range of light levels that can be shown. When HDR content is played, the high resolution picture additionally has a high contrast that show more details in bright or dark coloured-images.


    Philips HDR TVs have displays that show a wider range of light output (high amount of nits) in an Ultra HD resolution. HDR displays are able to show brighter white and darker black compared to “normal” displays.

    HDR processor - HDR Perfect, HDR Premium

    Colours of HDR video content can be processed differently to HD or Ultra HD video-content. Besides the display being able to show brighter images, the red-green-blue colour input of the HDR signal is compensated by the TV’s HDR processor. A wider range of colours can be displayed.

    HDR Content

    Philips HDR TVs support HDR video playback via the HDR10 codec. Supported sources can differ within the range of TV models. Verify in the TV manual or with the Philips TV Support department via which sources the HDR10 content can be played for a specific TV model.

    4K HDR Philips TVs
    This is the list of 2016 and 2017 Philips TVs which support HDR content:

    • 6401 (>32”)
    • 6501
    • 71x1
    • 76x1
    • 86x1
    • 901F
    • 6xx2 (except 6502)
    • 7xx2
    • 8xx2
    • 9xx2

    HDR upscaling (applicable to 8601 model of 2016 and 7502 - 9002 models of 2017)
    A standard (non-HDR) source can be upscaled by the TV’s picture enhancement processor. The picture will have an improved contrast and brightness.

    To enable HDR upscaling, press the “Settings” button on the TV remote control and select:

    [All Settings] > [Picture] > [Advanced] > [Contrast] > [HDR-upscaling] > [ON]

    The information on this page applies to the following models: 55PUS8602/05 , 49PUS7502/05 , 65PUS7502/05 , 55PUS7502/05 , 55POS9002/05 , 32PHT4032/05 , 55PUS6272/05 , 50PUS6272/05 , 43PFT4112/05 , 65PUS6262/05 , 55PUS6262/05 , 50PUS6262/05 , 43PUS6262/05 , 43PFT4132/05 , 22PFT4022/05 , 32PHT4112/05 , 43PUS6162/05 , 65PUS6162/05 , 55PUS6162/05 , 50PUS6162/05 , 24PHT4022/05 , 49PUS6162/12 , 55PUS6162/12 , 49PUS6262/12 , 24PHT4032/05 , 39PHT4112/05 , 32PFT4132/05 , 32PHT4132/05 , 24PFT5231/05 , 55POS901F/12 , 22PFT4031/05 , 49PFT4131/05 , 43PFT4131/05 , 32PHT4131/05 , 24PHT4031/05 , 65PUS7601/12 , 32PHH4101/88 , 40PFS5501/12 , 32PFS5501/12 , 65PUS6521/12 , 43PUS6401/12 , 49PUS6401/12 , 43PUS6501/12 , 55PUS7181/12 , 55PUS6401/12 , 49PUS7181/12 , 49PUS6551/12 , 49PUS6561/12 , 32PFS6401/12 , 55PUS7101/12 , 55PUS6561/12 , 55PUS6551/12 , 49PUS7101/12 , 43PUT4900/12 , 55PUT4900/12 , 49PUT4900/12 , 55PUS8601/12 , 32PFT6500/12 , 32PFT5500/12 , 48PFT5500/12 , 40PFT6510/12 , 55PUT6400/12 , 50PUT6400/12 , 50PFT6550/12 , 50PFT6510/12 , 40PUT6400/12 , 40PFH4100/88 , 48PFH4100/88 , 32PHH4100/88 , 22PFH4000/88 , 24PHH4000/88 , 24PHH5210/88 , 42PFT6309/12 , 47PFT6309/12 , 55PFT6309/12 . Click here to show more product numbers Click here to show less product numbers

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