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    Philips Support

    Why does my baby refuse the Natural Response teat?

    Published on 18 June 2024
    Your baby will need some time to switch to the Natural Response teat. Babies are sensitive to change, so adjusting to a new way of feeding may take a few attempts. When introducing a new bottle to your little one, feed them when they are relaxed and not hungry. If you have attempted to feed a few times with no success, your baby may need a different teat flow.

    Are you unsure which Natural Response teat to choose when feeding your little one? Suppose your baby feeds from a traditional bottle, including our original Natural or Anti-colic bottle range. In that case, they will likely need a higher Natural Response teat flow, as your newborn is used to milk flowing out of the teat effortlessly.

    Finding the right teat is important:
    If your newborn baby is consistently not taking enough milk throughout the feeding sessions or has complications in getting milk, switch to a teat with a higher flow rate.
    If persistent feeding issues occur, consult a healthcare professional.

    The information on this page applies to the following models: SCY903/61 , SCY903/63 , SCD657/11 , SCY966/02 , SCY965/02 , SCY964/02 , SCY963/02 , SCY962/02 , SCY961/02 , SCY933/02 , SCY933/01 , SCY930/01 , SCY906/02 , SCY906/01 , SCY903/67 , SCY903/66 , SCY903/02 , SCY903/01 , SCY900/02 , SCY900/01 , SCY673/82 , SCY673/81 , SCY673/01 , SCY670/02 , SCY670/01 , SCD837/11 , SCD837/12 , SCD838/11 , SCD838/12 , SCD838/13 , SCD878/11 , SCD879/11 , SCF263/61 , SCY670/00 , SCY900/00 , SCY903/03 , SCY903/11 , SCY903/21 . Click here to show more product numbers Click here to show less product numbers

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