Reading time: 3 Min
If you haven’t had a green smoothie before, now’s the time. They’re trendy, they’re easy to prepare for breakfast in the morning and, more importantly, they’re delicious. Once you know the basics of how to make a green smoothie, you can come up with as many variations as you like. Let’s get started.
Ingredients: It’s as simple as that! Remember: it’s best to drink green smoothies right after preparing them.
Looking for a simple, got-to green smoothie recipe? Here’s the basic ingredients most green smoothie recipes for beginners require and two simple steps to create your green smoothie.
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See all benefits Now that you know the basics of how to make a green smoothie, you can create endless simple green smoothie recipes just by switching up the ingredients you use. Here are some tips to try out when you’re experimenting with green smoothie recipes.
One of the great things about smoothies is how versatile they are. There are plenty of green smoothie recipes out there, and you can always tweak them to make the smoothie your own. Have fun experimenting and enjoy the reward of a delicious green leaf smoothie.