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    Philips Lumea IPL Advanced device

    Enjoy 12 months of hair-free smooth skin¹

    Get hair-free smooth skin with our Lumea IPL 7000 Series. Treatments are gentle and effective, and come with attachments for each body area.

    Extra convenience

    Extra long cord

    2 meter long cable for added flexibility, maneuverability and easy access while treating.

    Safety and precision

    Up to 3 dedicated attachments

    Our attachments can be used for precise and effective treatment even on sensitive areas.

    Save time and effort

    Only 2x month

    Treat only every two weeks for the first 6 weeks (vs. weekly of other brands), then touch up once a month to maintain the results.

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    With Skin tone sensor

    Skin tone sensor measures your skin complexion. If it detects a skin tone that is not suitable for IPL treatment it will automatically stop flashing. You can choose among five intensity settings, tailoring treatment to your preference for the most comfortable experience.



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    Philips Lumea IPL 7000 Series
    Philips Lumea IPL 7000 Series
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    ¹ Median hair reductions after 12 treatments: 82% on lower legs
    ** Median hair reductions after 12 treatments: 82% hair reduction on lower legs after 12 treatments
    ** When following the treatment schedule. Calculated for use on lower legs, bikini, armpits and face. The lamp lifetime does not extend the Philips 2-year worldwide guarantee

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